DD Panish, which was developed under the
same swimming concept as Panish, actually makes slightly
different action from Panish when used for continuous twitching.
This is because of the difference in the design of the
"centre-of-gravity transfer weight" : in DD Panish it
is designed to stay in place once it comes back to original
position, while in Panish it is designed to be mobile. DD Panish
is intended for cherry salmon fishing, which is often caught in
fast-flowing midstream and downstream. We thought that diving
minnows which are high in resistance, should be stable in the
water unless rod is manipulated Giving the first priority to
function is the key in lure making. When comparing floating type
with suspended type, the position of the centre-of-gravity is
different. Floating type has it in rear position for quick kick
back when loosening the line, while suspend type in the front
position so that the lip can respond quickly to the resistance
of the water.