VARIVAS Ocean Record Shock Leader


VARIVAS  Ocean Record Shock Leader
Ocean Record Shock Leader is developed specifically for blue water pelagic lure fishing. With a unique Fluoride-based coating (called SP-F), for greatly improved abrasion resistance and ‘manageability, and marked increase in diameter-breaking strain ratio. For example line diameter 0.910mm (Japanese #30) in Varivas's standard nylon shock leader is rated at 100LBS breaking strain, but in the new Ocean Record the same diameter 0.910mm is rated at 120LBS. Similarly, all sizes in Ocean Record are “1 rank higher” rated in breaking strain compared to the same diameter in standard nylon material. A unique, pale purple colour shade has been added to the leader, to enhance the appearance but it is still invisible in the water. Each spool includes a unique velcro-closing spool band, complete with a hard plastic grommet, for free & controlled line supply. Spool bands include a Varivas sewn-in label, colour-coded to easily identify the line size.

Available in:
#       LB.
8       35   50m
10     40   50m
12     50   50m
14     60   50m
18     70   50m
20     80   50m
22     90   50m
24    100   50m
30    120   50m
35    140   50m
40    150   50m
50    180   50m
60    220   50m
70    250   50m
80    300   30m
90    320   30m
100  370   30m
